Home » Technology » Microsoft’s Xbox Series Sales Surpass 21 Million Mark, Outpacing Competition

Microsoft’s Xbox Series Sales Surpass 21 Million Mark, Outpacing Competition

According to the datarevealed during the presentation Microsoft on BIG Festival in Brazil, sales Xbox Series exceeded 21 million consoles.

As for the total sales of the Xbox Series and Xbox One, here the figure exceeded 79 million units. Along with this, it became known that 48% of players on the Xbox Series S have never owned a Microsoft console before.

Some more interesting information from the presentation:

The Xbox app has 15.6 million monthly active users. Growth on an annualized basis – 20%; 85 PC markets with Game Pass; Game Pass consists of over 400 console games and over 300 PC games. Over 300 games available for streaming; most new players come from the USA, then Brazil and closes the top 3 Mexico; more than 1 billion devices worldwide support the streaming function; looks like in-game advertising is just around the corner.

In addition, from the documents in the case of the US FTC v. Microsoft became knownthat in the fourth quarter of 2022, 3.2 million Xbox consoles were shipped compared to 7.1 million PS5.

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