HomeBerlinIslamic festival of sacrifice Eid al-Adha in Neukölln: bouncy castles, music and plenty of food
At the beginning of Eid al-Adha, which is celebrated at the climax of the Hajj, the Neukölln meeting place organized a neighborhood festival on Mainzer Straße.
The organizers of the neighborhood festival were primarily concerned with families and children having fun. Markus Wächter/Berliner Zeitung
At the start of the Islamic Festival of Sacrifice, Eid al-Adha, the Neuköllner Meeting Center (NBS) organized a neighborhood festival on Mainzer Straße in Neukölln on Wednesday. Also Outreach, a youth social work organization, and that Quartiermanagement Berlin helped organize the festival. The proceeds from the food and drink stands contribute to the financing of the festival. Children played on a carousel and the bouncy castles, there was music, performances and an interreligious program on a stage, everywhere it smelled of popcorn and shawarma.
The Islamic Festival of Sacrifice is celebrated this year from the evening of June 27th to July 1st. It is about values such as helpfulness, friendship and reconciliation. There are also celebrations in many other places in Berlin.
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Above all, the festival commemorates the Prophet Abraham, who was willing to sacrifice his son Ismail out of loyalty to God Allah. In gratitude for Allah sparing his son, Abraham sacrificed an animal instead. That is why it is still customary today to slaughter an animal for Allah. Along with the Sugar Festival, the Festival of Sacrifice is one of the most important holidays in Islam.
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Women with hijab to celebrate the Islamic Festival of Sacrifice in Berlin-Neukölln. Markus Wächter/Berliner Zeitung
At the stands of the Neuköllner Meeting Center (NBS) there was cake, popcorn, shawarma and much more. The income contributed to the financing of the neighborhood festival. Markus Wächter/Berliner Zeitung
‘Id al Adha 2023 was celebrated with music and dance on Mainzer Strasse in Berlin-Neukölln. Markus Wächter/Berliner Zeitung
At the stand of Outreach Berlin, a youth social work organization, there were henna tattoos to celebrate the Islamic Festival of Sacrifice. Markus Wächter/Berliner Zeitung
At the Islamic Festival of Sacrifice 2023 there were henna tattoos in Berlin, Neukölln. Markus Wächter/Berliner Zeitung
A wide variety of food was offered at the Islamic Festival of Sacrifice. Markus Wächter/Berliner Zeitung
On Wednesday, around 200 people are out and about on Mainzer Strasse between Boddinplatz and Flughafenstrasse to celebrate the day. Nazih El Chouli by Outreach Berlin says that helping to organize the festival was important for Outreach: “The young people here are always out and about in the neighborhood, so they can help out and celebrate.”
Most of the young people who are looked after by Outreach have a migration background. For the Muslims among them, this festival is very important. “Many people don’t like it when young people go to the mosque,” says the 56-year-old. They would think they would be radicalized. But: “That’s not the case.” It would help them to celebrate a festival that focuses on important values such as helpfulness.
Mohammad G. is standing at one of the hot dog stands. He wears one of the yellow vests by which NBS employees can be identified. “The main thing for us at the festival is that children and families can spend time together.” Most of the early prayers in the NBS mosque, which is about 200 meters away, went directly to the street festival to eat there , dance and play.
2023-06-29 01:43:48
#Islamic #festival #sacrifice #Eid #alAdha #Neukölln #bouncy #castles #music #plenty #food