Home » Entertainment » Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Troubles with Netflix and Spotify: A Business and Financial Crisis

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Troubles with Netflix and Spotify: A Business and Financial Crisis

From being one of the most loved couples within British royalty, the Prince Harry y Meghan Marklehave become one of the most criticized not only for their controversial exit from the Crown, but also because they are having business and apparently financial problems with their businesssince now it is speculated that the treatment of the Dukes of Sussex with Netflixis about to end by culpa of Spotify.

The Dukes of Sussex do not leave one to enter another, because they are not satisfied with airing some secrets of British royalty through their documentary on Netflix and the book of memories Prince Harry where he got his brother William in trouble for rumors of infidelity, now the couple made up of the youngest son of Lady Di and Meghan Markle are allegedly involved in problems of business for not complying with platform contracts such as Netflix y Spotify.

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in serious trouble with Netflix

He Prince Harry Not only should he worry about winning the lawsuit filed against the British media who have been in charge of leaking confidential information about the youngest son of King Carlos III, but he must also raise the ship of business what do you have with Spotify y Netflixwhich are presumed to be having severe problems with the Dukes of Sussex.

After the departure of the Dukes of Sussex from the British crown, many wondered how they were going to maintain themselves if they no longer had the support of King Carlos III; however, both the Prince Harry as Meghan Markle they made a deal with Netflix for five years in what is speculated to be worth around 100 million dollars; However, the platform is no longer very connected with the content proposed by the former members of the crown, so it is rumored that it has already sentenced them to pay them until they offer something worthwhile.

Meanwhile, it is well known that the Prince Harry y Meghan Markle, They also had problems with Spotify Well, their project was a total failure and they lost an agreement of 20 million dollars with said company for what is said that it is not the fault of this platform, the displeasure of Netflix with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, but the way they are carrying their businessWell, added to this, there are strong rumors that they are on the verge of divorce.

2023-06-28 18:40:50
#Prince #Harry #Meghan #Markles #business #Netflix #Spotify

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