Following the recent media release of Koumba Kouyaté, the mother of Affou Keita, the Ivorian music diva Aïcha Koné spoke in a new video to officially announce the end of her friendship with the latter.
Nothing goes between the singers Aïcha Koné and Affou Kéita. The war between these two figureheads of Ivorian music has resumed with renewed vigor in recent days because of the plagiarism case concerning the new musical release Mögö Fariman by Roseline Layo. In this tense context, Koumba Kouyaté, mother of Affou Keita also intervened in a video through which she expressed her deep dismay at the inflexible persecution to which her daughter has been subjected by Aicha Koné, since the start of this plagiarism case.
« Me, I moved to come to ask your forgiveness. Didn’t you ignore that? We must act with caution, Aicha Koné. You and me can’t get along if you hate my child. This is not possible. If I did, would I be crazy? If you want, you can give me diamonds, gold, but if you hate my child, don’t expect me to follow you. Leave my daughter in peace, Aicha“said Affou Keita’s mother. An exit which did not take time to arouse the reply of Aicha Koné.
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In a prompt and unequivocal reply, Aïcha Koné took the floor to face the intervention of her friend, Koumba Kouyaté, mother of Affou Keita. Through a new media release, the talented singer, nicknamed Maman Africa, openly responded to her longtime friend.
“Koumba, I’m sorry that our friendship ended not through a tragic event, but because of your daughter’s behavior. You know your daughter’s behavior better than I do. She was rude to me. You came to apologize to me and I accepted them, but two days later, your daughter dares to affirm on a television set that she did not send me her mother and that she does not regret having clashed with me ” , she lamented.
Visibly angry, Aicha Koné concluded with her decision to end their long-standing friendship because of this affair. “I respect friendships very much. But because of your daughter, I’ve decided that we should stop. It’s a shame but I say it loud and clear, it makes me sad to talk to you like that. You can’t screw me over your daughter. And you know what she did ain’t right“, she indicated.
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