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The main cause of food poisoning in summer is mostly spoiled food in the heat. However, among the common foods around us, there are foods that contain ‘toxicity’ depending on the condition. You may think it’s okay because it’s a small amount of poison, but the toxicity itself can be harmful to the body. In particular, there are cases where you get an allergic reaction or food poisoning without knowing it. Let’s look at common but dangerous poison-containing foods and precautions when ingesting them.
◆ Mr. Cherry
Cherries are perfectly fine, but Mr. Cherry needs to be careful. The hard seeds in the center of cherries contain a toxic component known as cyanide. But don’t panic if you accidentally swallow one. The intact seed is naturally excreted out of the body. However, when eating cherries, avoid chewing or crushing the seeds.
◆ apple seeds
Apple seeds also contain trace amounts of cyanide. Fortunately, apple seeds have a protective barrier that prevents cyanide from being absorbed into the body, even if eaten by mistake. However, even a small amount of toxicity is good to be careful. Even in small amounts, cyanide can cause rapid breathing, seizures, and severe pain.
◆ raw kidney beans
Of all the legume varieties, red, raw kidney beans have the highest concentration of lectins. Lectins are toxic substances that can cause severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. These side effects occur even if you eat only 4 to 5 raw kidney beans, so you must cook them before eating.
◆ green potato
Potato leaves, shoots, and underground stems (tubers) contain toxic substances called glycoalkaloids. Glycoalkaloids are the ingredients that make potatoes look green when exposed to light, damaged or aged. Eating potatoes high in glycoalkaloids can cause nausea, diarrhea, confusion, and headaches.
◆ Bitter Almonds
Almonds contain amygdalin, a chemical that can be converted to cyanide, and bitter almonds contain a lot of this. While sweet almonds are safe to eat, untreated bitter almonds can cause cramps, nausea and diarrhea.
◆ Mango Peel
Like raw cashews, mangoes contain urushiol in their peel and leaves. If you are allergic to poison ivy, especially those with severe allergies, eating mangoes can cause serious reactions such as swelling, rashes, and trouble breathing.
◆ Nutmeg (Nutmeg)
Adding nutmeg to food in small amounts adds a delicious nutty flavor. However, eating too much can be a problem. Even as little as two teaspoons can be toxic to the body because of myristicin. Myristicin is an oil that can cause hallucinations, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, and seizures.
2023-06-28 09:56:34
#Food #poisoning.. #common #toxic #food