Home » Entertainment » The Wrocław Baroque Ensemble: Reviving the Polish Renaissance and Baroque Heritage

The Wrocław Baroque Ensemble: Reviving the Polish Renaissance and Baroque Heritage

In the hands of sophisticated artists, various examples of early music will be revived, from chamber works to cantatas and oratorios, but the heart of the ensemble has always been the masterpieces of the Polish Renaissance and Baroque heritage. The core of the ensemble’s musicians consists of excellent instrumentalists and singers from Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany and Great Britain.

Residents of the Witold Lutoslavski National Music Forum, the Wrocław Baroque Ensemble specializes in historically informed performance practice with a focus on exploring the under-recognized and unusual repertoire of Central European early music.

The Wroclaw Baroque Ensemble was founded in 2012 by conductor and artistic director of the ensemble Andrzej Kosendiak. Its core of musicians consists of excellent instrumentalists and singers from Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany and Great Britain. The ensemble boasts a wide range of recordings, which includes a series of albums dedicated to the Baroque repertoire with the music of Polish composers Gregor Gervasie Gorczycki, Bartlomiej Penkel, Marcin Melczewski, Stanislaw Sylvester Šarzynski, Mikolaj Zeleński and Marcin Żebrowski.

In 2013, the ensemble’s first recording album with compositions by Gregor Gervasius Gorczycki was awarded the Wroclaw Music Prize, while the musicians’ subsequent studio recordings were nominated for the prestigious Polish Frederick for the music award. album in 2019 Mielczewski II and in 2021, the album with the music of Mikolaj Zeleński won Frederick in the award category Early Music Album of the Year. In 2015, the ensemble released an album in collaboration with the Lutoslavsky National Music Forum Boys’ Choir under the leadership of Andrzej Kosendyk The Salzburg Marian Masswhich features the sacred music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

The ensemble has participated in major international early music festivals, including Wroclaw Wratislavia SingingOhrid Summer Festival in Macedonia, Emilia-Romagna Festival in Italy, Usedom Music Festival in Germany and Ljubljana Music Festival in Slovenia.

Concerts that will be heard at the Early Music Festival:

On July 12, Riga St. Peter’s Church will sound Renaissance and Baroque chants. Latvian Radio Choir, conductor Kaspars Putniņš will perform together with the Swedish key violin virtuoso Marko Ambrozīni and the excellent harpsichordist Ieva Salieti. The program will include pieces composed by the North German baroque grandmaster Dietrich Buxtehude, the famous 17th century violin composer Heinrich Ignac von Bieber and the brilliant English Renaissance composer William Byrd. On July 13, the music of the German baroque master Johann Sebastian Bach will be heard in the Little Guild, performed by singer Ilze Grävele-Skaraine, flautist, oboist Ieva Nīmane, cellist Māra Botmane and organist Ilze Reine. On July 14, in the Small Guild concert program Venetian Baroque pearls singer Elīna Šimkus, Kristīne Stumbure (baroque flutes) and Mauro Pinciaroli (theorba) will perform. The program will feature music by Girolamo Frescobaldi, Francesco Bartolomeo Conti, Benedetto Marcello, Claudio Monteverdi, Luigi Rossi, Alessandro Scarlatti, Barbara Strozzi and Giuseppe Torelli. On July 14, St. Peter’s Church, the leading medieval and renaissance vocal group in the Baltic States will give a concert Riga School of Singers, specializing in the authentic singing of Gregorian chorale. Saxophonist Dāvis Jurka will also take part in the concert with improvisations. On July 15, in the Mežotne church in a concert program English Baroque Chants singers Aija Veismane, Ansis Bētiņš and Emīls Gilučs will perform, as well as harpsichordist Veronika Rinkule. William Byrd Consort is a vocal ensemble that plays mainly Renaissance and Baroque music programs. The foundation stone of the ensemble was laid in the 1990s, when it was founded by conductor and countertenor Andris Veismanis, creating concert programs by William Byrd and Carlo Gezualdo. On July 15, the concert days at Rundāle Palace will begin with events for children – various creative workshops and a musical performance inspired by Spanish folk tales and music by Spanish composers The wonderful pearl. The musical fairy tale will be full of unusual events and bright characters. The roles will be played by soloists – Jolanta Strikaite-Lapiņa, Jānis Strazdiņš, Nauris Indzeris, dancers – Egija Abarovića, Reinis Rešetins, Aija Lejas-Sausa. Riga circus school students and associations will also take part in the concert Jazz Baroque musicians and percussionist Mārtiņš Milevskis. On the other hand, on the evening of July 15, the cycle of violin concerts by Antonio Vivaldi will close the festival in the garden of Rundāle Palace Seasons – one of the most popular opuses of academic music, which has experienced countless tunings and interpretations around the world. In the first part of the concert, we will hear the compositions of Christoph Willibald Gluck, André Campra and Jean-Baptiste Lulli. Together with the State Chamber Orchestra Sinfonietta Riga, conducted by conductor Andras Veismans, Vivaldi Seasons will be played by the excellent Italian violinist Giuseppe Giboni, who will also be able to meet him at Mazaja Mežotne Palace on July 14 as part of the festival.

Tickets at Ticket Paradise box offices and online.

More – www.smf.lv

2023-06-28 06:25:42
#early #music #festival #opened #Wrocław #Baroque #Ensemble

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