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Hong Kong Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Emphasizes Commonalities and Collaboration with Mainland Cities in the Greater Bay Area

Hong Kong Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development: Hong Kong and Mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area share common ideas and complement each other

Release time: 11:59, June 28, 2023 Source: China News Network

[Explanation]Since the two places fully resumed “customs clearance”, Hong Kong SAR government officials and business people have increasingly visited and exchanged with mainland cities. On June 27, Qiu Yinghua, Director of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, said in an interview with reporters that Hong Kong focuses on high-tech development, and shares the same concept and complementary advantages with mainland cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area). He hopes that Hong Kong and The mainland develops simultaneously and integrates into the development and construction of the Greater Bay Area.

[Concurrent]Qiu Yinghua, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

We have complementary advantages, and Hong Kong also pays attention to the development of high technology. This concept is in common with the Greater Bay Area. We hope to keep pace with the development of the Mainland. How to integrate into the development of the Greater Bay Area is what we have in common. The most important thing is to integrate Bring companies to the Greater Bay Area, let them see, and also introduce companies from the Greater Bay Area to Hong Kong, and let them know what opportunities there are in Hong Kong.

[Explanation]Qiu Yinghua will serve as the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development on July 1, 2022. His responsibilities cover trade, telecommunications and broadcasting policies. He is also responsible for promoting the protection of intellectual property rights and consumer rights, as well as promoting foreign investment. As the main economic official of the new SAR government, Qiu Yinghua has frequently visited overseas in the past six months to fight for Hong Kong’s economy after the epidemic. In his view, this year also coincides with the 10th anniversary of the “Belt and Road” initiative. Hong Kong should help the motherland, play a role as a super “connector”, and tell the story of Hong Kong to the world.

[Concurrent]Qiu Yinghua, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

Regarding the “Belt and Road” initiative, we are helping the motherland. As a Hong Kong “connector”, the Commerce and Economic Bureau is responsible for this trade. We have visited Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Thailand, and many places are for business. On the one hand, we should do well what we should do. We will visit (overseas) to tell the story of Hong Kong well.

[Explanation]2023 is a critical year for economic recovery after the epidemic. Qiu Yinghua believes that under the influence of factors such as supply chain constraints, geopolitics, and global inflation, Hong Kong still needs to continue to seek new directions and cooperate with new economies. He revealed that Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive Lee Ka-chao will continue to lead a delegation to visit Singapore, Malaysia and other ASEAN countries at the end of next month, hoping to bring more business opportunities to Hong Kong.

[Concurrent]Qiu Yinghua, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

At the end of July, the Chief Executive will lead a team to discuss business opportunities in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. ASEAN countries also hope to use Hong Kong as a platform to enter the Greater Bay Area. Therefore, everyone (with) complementary advantages hopes to serve ASEAN countries and Hong Kong. The economy, in terms of trade and cooperation (can be) promoted more.

Reporter Liu Xuanting reports from Hong Kong

Editor in charge:[Fang Jialiang]

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2023-06-28 03:59:00

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