Title: Abu Ayed: A Lifetime Residence at the Foot of Jabal Al-Nour in Makkah
Date: June 24, 2023
Al-Marsad Newspaper: In a recent TV report on Al-Arabiya channel, the inspiring story of “Abu Ayed” was showcased. Abu Ayed, who chose the foot of Jabal Al-Nour in Makkah Al-Mukarramah as his residence 40 years ago, shared his reasons and experiences with viewers.
Abu Ayed expressed his deep connection to the foothills of Jabal Al-Nour, stating, “Mountain Al-Nour is from the feelings and from the beloved land and the good land of God. What do you want better than this site?!” His attachment to this sacred place is evident as he affirmed his decision to remain there until the end of his days, saying, “I am reassured and my mind is good, the day I lived in Makkah.”
Reflecting on the past, Abu Ayed reminisced about the time when Makkah was not filled with numerous hotels. He described, “The day I rose, the Haram and the minarets were just as far as my eye could see, all of Makkah is below.” Despite the changes and developments in the city, Abu Ayed’s love for his chosen residence remains unwavering.
Abu Ayed also highlighted the scarcity of visitors to Jabal Al-Nour, emphasizing the increasing number of pilgrims. He commended the organization, security, and safety measures in Makkah, stating that they are at their best. Abu Ayed even conducts his daily activities, including buying and selling, at the foot of the mountain.
The story of Abu Ayed serves as a witness to the deep spiritual connection individuals can develop with a place. His unwavering dedication to Jabal Al-Nour and his contentment with his chosen residence inspire others to find solace and peace in their own surroundings.
As the years pass, Abu Ayed’s story will continue to resonate, reminding us of the profound bond between individuals and the places they call home.
How has Abu Ayed’s connection to Jabal Al-Nour in Makkah shaped his life and experiences?
Abu Ayed: A Lifetime Residence at the Foot of Jabal Al-Nour in Makkah
Date: June 24, 2023
Al-Marsad Newspaper: Uncovering the Remarkable Story of Abu Ayed, an Unwavering Resident of Jabal Al-Nour in Makkah
In a captivating television report aired on Al-Arabiya channel, the extraordinary journey of “Abu Ayed” was unveiled. For four decades, Abu Ayed has made the foot of Jabal Al-Nour in Makkah Al-Mukarramah his cherished abode, and now he shares his heartfelt reasons and incredible experiences with viewers.
Abu Ayed’s connection to the foothills of Jabal Al-Nour runs deep, as he passionately expresses, “Mountain Al-Nour is a place of emotions, beloved land, and the gracious land of God. What could be more perfect than this location?!” It is clear that his devotion to this sacred space knows no bounds, as he firmly declares his intention to remain there until his last breath, stating, “I find comfort and serenity in the day-to-day life I have built in Makkah.”
Reflecting on the past, Abu Ayed nostalgically recalls a time when Makkah was not crowded with countless hotels. He paints a vivid picture, saying, “When I would wake up, the Haram and the minarets were within my sight, and the entire city of Makkah lay beneath me.” Despite the transformations and advancements the city has undergone, Abu Ayed’s love for his chosen residence remains unshakable.
Furthermore, Abu Ayed draws attention to the decreasing number of visitors to Jabal Al-Nour, juxtaposing it with the escalating influx of pilgrims. Commending the exemplary organization, security, and safety measures in Makkah, he asserts that they are operating at their finest. Remarkably, Abu Ayed seamlessly carries out his daily activities, such as buying and selling, in close proximity to the mountain.
Abu Ayed’s story stands as a testament to the profound spiritual connection one can form with a place. His unwavering dedication to Jabal Al-Nour and the profound contentment he derives from his chosen residence serve as a powerful inspiration, encouraging others to seek solace and tranquility in their own surroundings.
As time passes, Abu Ayed’s tale will continue to reverberate, reminding us of the immense bond between individuals and the places they lovingly call home.
This article beautifully captures the extraordinary life of Abu Ayed, who has called the foot of Jabal Al-Nour his home for four decades. It is truly fascinating to learn about his unique experiences in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and how he has become an integral part of the city’s heritage. Abu Ayed’s story is a testament to the rich tapestry of lives woven within this sacred place.