Title: Heavy Thunderstorm Causes Widespread Flooding in West Flanders and Hainaut
Subtitle: Fire Brigade Responds to Numerous Calls for Assistance
Date: June 21, 2023
After a heavy thunderstorm swept through the region, West Flanders and Hainaut experienced severe flooding, prompting the Westhoek Fire Brigade and other fire brigades to respond to numerous calls for assistance. The storm resulted in over 241 reports of flooding in West Flanders alone, with the number of interventions quickly rising to 40 within an hour. Neighborhoods in Wervik were particularly affected, leaving several streets empty and submerged.
In the Midwest zone, approximately twenty calls were received, mainly related to flooding on the streets. The heavy precipitation that fell in a short period overwhelmed the sewers, causing them to be unable to handle the excessive water. The Zone Fluvia fire brigade in the south of the province also received a dozen calls, with the region around Menen experiencing significant water accumulation.
The Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) had issued a code orange alert for thunderstorms in West Flanders, East Flanders, Antwerp, Flemish Brabant, Brussels, Walloon Brabant, and Hainaut on Tuesday afternoon. Although the code yellow alert is now in effect in West Flanders, the code orange alert remains
worst flash flood in history
After a heavy thunderstorm hit West Flanders and Hainaut, widespread flooding occurred, leading to the response of the Westhoek Fire Brigade and other fire brigades to numerous calls for assistance. The storm caused significant damage, with over 241 reports of flooding in West Flanders alone. Within just an hour, the number of interventions rose to 40, highlighting the extent of the emergency.
The neighborhood of Wervik in West Flanders was particularly hard-hit, resulting in several streets being empty and submerged. In the Midwest zone, approximately twenty calls related to street flooding were received. The intensity of the rainfall overwhelmed the sewers, rendering them unable to handle the excessive amount of water. The region around Menen in the south of the province also experienced significant water accumulation, leading to a dozen calls received by the Zone Fluvia fire brigade.
It is worth noting that the Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) had issued a code orange alert for thunderstorms in multiple regions, including West Flanders and Hainaut. This alert was issued on Tuesday afternoon and remains in effect, indicating the continuing potential for severe weather. While a code yellow alert is now in place in West Flanders, the code orange alert indicates a higher level of urgency and caution.
Overall, the heavy thunderstorm caused extensive flooding in West Flanders and Hainaut, leading to a swift response from the fire brigades in the affected areas. The situation is ongoing, and residents should remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.
It’s devastating to witness the aftermath of the torrential rain in West Flanders, along with heavy rain showers impacting Antwerp and East Flanders. Our thoughts go out to all those affected by the flooding, and we hope for a swift recovery process for the affected regions. Stay safe and take care.