Title: Tollway Company Leads Volunteer Efforts to Renovate Flood-Damaged School
Date: 2023-06-20
In a heartwarming display of corporate social responsibility, Don Muang Tollway Public Company Limited (DMT) has joined hands with the Ban Khu Dua School in Ubon Ratchathani Province for the 14th consecutive year as part of their “DMT Give Jai, Care for Society” project. Led by Ms. Atchara Charoenporn, the Senior Director of the Corporate Sustainability Development Division at DMT, a team of volunteer employees embarked on a mission to renovate and repair the school building and canteen, which were severely affected by a flood at the end of 2022.
The initiative, which aims to make a positive impact on the local community, saw Sgt. Lt. Wichai Sarawan, the Acting Director of Ban Khu Dua School, serving as a delegate. The collaboration between DMT and the school is a testament to their commitment to social welfare and their dedication to supporting educational institutions in need.
Ban Khu Dua School, located in Muang District, faced significant challenges due to the flood, which caused extensive damage to its infrastructure. Recognizing the importance of education and the need for a conducive learning environment, DMT took the initiative to step in and provide assistance.
The volunteer team from DMT worked tirelessly to renovate and repair the school building and canteen, ensuring that the students and staff have a safe and comfortable space to carry out their educational activities. This act of kindness and generosity not only helps restore the physical infrastructure but also uplifts the spirits of the entire school community.
The “DMT Give Jai, Care for Society” project has become a longstanding tradition for DMT, reflecting their commitment to giving back to society. By actively engaging in such initiatives, DMT demonstrates its dedication to corporate social responsibility and its belief in the power of collective action to create positive change.
DMT Don Mueang Tollway, the tollway company responsible for the project, serves as an inspiration for other organizations to prioritize social welfare and actively contribute to the betterment of communities. Their efforts in supporting Ban Khu Dua School serve as a shining example of how corporate entities can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.
As the 14th year of the “DMT Give Jai, Care for Society” project comes to a close, the impact of DMT’s contributions will continue to resonate within the Ban Khu Dua School community. The collaboration between DMT and the school not only restores physical infrastructure but also instills hope and resilience in the face of adversity.
Through their actions, DMT has proven that corporate entities can play a vital role in creating a more compassionate and inclusive society. Their dedication to the “DMT Give Jai, Care for Society” project sets a commendable example for others to follow, inspiring individuals and organizations alike to contribute to the betterment of society.
How did DMT’s volunteer efforts to renovate the flood-damaged school contribute to providing a safe and conducive learning environment for the students?
Ce of providing a safe and conducive learning environment for the students, DMT took the lead in organizing volunteer efforts to renovate the flood-damaged school.
Under the “DMT Give Jai, Care for Society” project, DMT employees volunteered their time and skills to repair and renovate the school building and canteen. The team, led by Ms. Atchara Charoenporn, worked tirelessly to ensure that the necessary repairs were made and the facilities were restored to their previous condition.
The collaboration between DMT and Ban Khu Dua School highlights the tollway company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and its dedication to making a positive impact on the community in which it operates. By taking the initiative to support the school in its time of need, DMT has shown its commitment to supporting educational institutions and contributing to the overall well-being of the local community.
The volunteer efforts by DMT not only helped to restore the physical infrastructure of the school but also brought hope and inspiration to the students and staff. It served as a reminder that the community stands together in times of adversity and that there are individuals and organizations willing to lend a helping hand.
The renovation of the flood-damaged school by DMT and its employees is an exemplary demonstration of corporate social responsibility. It showcases the power of collaboration and the positive impact that dedicated individuals and organizations can have on their community. As a result of the efforts of DMT and its volunteers, Ban Khu Dua School can now continue providing quality education to its students in a safe and conducive environment.