Venus and Mars Align with the Moon on June 21 to Welcome Summer Solstice
Jakarta – On June 21, two planets will align with the moon to welcome the summer solstice. Venus and Mars will align with the crescent moon in the western sky, creating a stunning celestial display.
According to experts from the Live Science page, this phenomenon will not be seen this close again until March 28, 2028. The best time to observe it is at dusk, along with Da Vinci’s light or the light Earth visible lining the crescent moon.
During the afternoon of June 21, the crescent moon will appear slightly brighter and higher, forming a line in the sky with bright Venus and dim Mars. The moon will be nearly 8% illuminated and will display Da Vinci’s light or earth’s light.
The best time to witness this phenomenon is on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at dusk, marking the start of the summer solstice. The alignment of Mars, Venus, and the 13% illuminated crescent moon will signify the beginning of astronomical summer in the Northern Hemisphere. However, Mars may be a bit dim, making it difficult to observe without binoculars.
The following evening, Thursday, June 22, 2023, the crescent moon will be 21% illuminated and will align with Mars and Venus. Additionally, the moon will be close to Regulus in the constellation Leo, providing another captivating sight.
While it is possible to observe these phenomena without the aid of tools, using a pair of binoculars or a telescope will allow for a closer look at the beauty of Da Vinci’s light on the moon’s surface.
Don’t miss this rare alignment of Venus, Mars, and the moon on June 21 and 22. It is a celestial event that won’t occur again in such proximity until 2028. Enjoy the wonders of the universe and witness the magic of the summer solstice.
alignment of moon venus and jupiter meaning
On June 21, a spectacular celestial event will take place as Venus and Mars align with the crescent moon to welcome the summer solstice. This rare alignment will create a stunning display in the western sky, and according to experts, such a close alignment won’t be visible again until March 28, 2028.
To observe this phenomenon, it is recommended to go out at dusk and look for the crescent moon, which will appear slightly brighter and higher in the sky. It will form a line with the bright Venus and the dim Mars, creating a beautiful sight. The moon will be around 8% illuminated and will exhibit Da Vinci’s light or earth’s light.
The best time to witness this alignment is on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, marking the official start of the summer solstice. This celestial event will symbolize the beginning of astronomical summer in the Northern Hemisphere. However, Mars might appear dim, so using binoculars or a telescope can enhance the viewing experience.
On the following evening, Thursday, June 22, 2023, the crescent moon will be 21% illuminated and will align with Mars and Venus once again. Additionally, the moon will be near the star Regulus in the Leo constellation, adding to the captivating display.
While it is possible to observe this alignment without any tools, using binoculars or a telescope will provide a closer look at the intricate details of Da Vinci’s light on the moon’s surface.
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to witness the alignment of Venus, Mars, and the moon on June 21 and 22. It is a celestial event that won’t occur in such proximity until 2028. Take a moment to appreciate the wonders of the universe and experience the magic of the summer solstice.
Wow, what a celestial delight! Witnessing Venus, Mars and the Moon aligning together is truly a rare spectacle that captures the wonder of our universe.