Title: Koenigsegg Regera Sets Impressive Hybrid Records at Orebro Airport
Subtitle: Swedish Hypercar Manufacturer Beats Rimac Nevera in Record-Breaking Run
Date: June 20, 2023
The Koenigsegg Regera, a high-performance hybrid sports car, has made headlines by setting six new records at the Orebro airport near Stockholm. The runway, which spans just over 3 kilometers, provided the perfect setting for the Regera to showcase its incredible capabilities.
Mate Rimac, the founder of Rimac Automobili, has long been an admirer of renowned hypercar designers Horacio Pagani and Christian von Koenigsegg. While Pagani and Koenigsegg focus on gasoline and hybrid vehicles respectively, Rimac has made a name for himself with his brand’s electric cars. The rivalry between Rimac’s electric-powered models and traditional hypercars has led to a series of record-breaking attempts.
In an effort to reclaim some of the records held by Rimac’s Nevera, Koenigsegg decided to push the limits of their Regera model. Despite being nearly a decade old, the Regera proved its worth by not only surpassing existing records but also setting new ones. The Swedish manufacturer aimed to achieve the fastest time from 0 to 400 km/h and back to 0 in under 29.94 seconds. Astonishingly, the Regera accomplished this feat in just 28.81 seconds.
Not content with just one record, Koenigsegg also broke several other benchmarks previously held by Rimac. These records, verified by RaceLogic, include the following:
– 0-250-0 mph: 29.6 seconds
– 0-250 mph: 21.35 seconds
– 250-0 mph: 8.25 seconds
– 0-400-0 km/h: 28.81 seconds
– 0-400 km/h: 20.68 seconds
– 400-0 km/h: 8.13 seconds
The Koenigsegg Regera’s impressive performance can be attributed to its hybrid powertrain. The car features a 5.0-liter V8 engine delivering 1,500 horsepower, complemented by three axial-flow electric motors providing an additional 690 horsepower to the rear wheels. The innovative Direct Drive transmission system eliminates the need for a conventional gearbox, further enhancing the Regera’s acceleration capabilities.
When asked about the motivation behind attempting these records with an older model, Koenigsegg simply stated, “Because it can!” The Swedish manufacturer emphasized that the Regera remains the reigning king in the fiercely competitive automotive landscape and deserves to be celebrated with new records. Additionally, Koenigsegg’s Viking heritage instilled a strong desire to win and break records, as they believe “records are there to be broken.”
To achieve such remarkable performance, the Regera underwent meticulous aerodynamic adjustments and tire pressure optimization to minimize friction. These measures allowed the car to reach a top speed of 400 km/h as quickly as possible before initiating braking.
The Koenigsegg Regera’s record-breaking run at Orebro airport showcases the brand’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of hybrid technology and performance. With its impressive achievements, the Regera has firmly established itself as a force to be reckoned with in the world of hypercars.