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“We recognized a 50-year-old man as a transgender person”

news-id-111927" style="display:inline;">Since the beginning of the year, 15 Kazakhstanis have applied to the Republican Mental Health Center with a request for permission to change their gender. Almost all of them faced misunderstanding and rejection from their relatives, many of them had to not only leave their home, but also change their city, NewTimes.kz reports with reference to inalmaty.kz.

Men and women who decided on such drastic changes have gone through a very difficult path, faced a lot of negative manifestations.

A psychiatrist of the highest category with 44 years of professional experience, Natalia Logacheva, provides assistance and support to transgender people, talks with them confidentially and provides detailed information about the stages to be passed on the way to such a desired operation, which gives people a chance for a new life.

Previously, it was necessary to go to the examination, now hospitalization is not required. A person comes and talks about his desire to change sex. He is assigned a consultation with a psychiatrist to rule out mental disorders.

“If a specialist has doubts, then we suggest spending some time in the center, usually 7-10 days are enough. Only then does the transgender person begin to take tests. After providing us with all the results, permission is issued for the first, preparatory stage with the involvement of hormones (without this, the operation cannot be performed). Currently, out of 15 people who have contacted us, six people have completely passed the tests, five of them are residents of the southern capital!” says the psychiatrist.

Every story of transgender people in Kazakhstan is tragic and bleak, and they all look alike. From early childhood, these people have been trying in vain to understand themselves, they sincerely do not understand why they hate their own body, and the reflection in the mirror causes pain, disappointment and suffering. From early memories, everyone cites an identical example to Natalya Logacheva: as kids, they chose toys and showed an increased interest in clothes intended for members of the opposite sex. Over the years, the situation escalated and slowly but surely transformed into a problem. The ridicule of classmates, offensive nicknames, physical punishment, severe beatings, psychological pressure – this is not a complete list of what everyone had to endure.

“Transgender people, due to the local mentality, are afraid to reveal themselves to their relatives, they are looking for answers to their questions on the Internet, and here it is important to find a reliable, authoritative source. In no case should you take hormonal drugs on the advice of couch experts, they are prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, serious illnesses and even death are not ruled out. Do not experiment with your health, do not put your life on the line! the psychiatrist warns.

After the preparatory stage, it is time to proceed with the surgical intervention. Sex reassignment surgery is not included in the list of free services and is not cheap.

“Usually young people aged 21-32 make the decision to have the operation. But we were approached by older people. We recognized the biological fifty-year-old man as a transgender person. Cynics and skeptics will wonder why he needs an operation at such a mature age? But don’t jump to shortcuts and jump to conclusions. Every person has the right to happiness and it is not for us to judge those who have become an unwitting victim of nature. Living in a body that you consider alien is very difficult! And if a person from an early age feels like a hostage and a prisoner of his own body, it is better to consult a doctor without waiting for the day when your life turns into hell,” says Natalya Logacheva.

You can get a medical opinion about transgender in Kazakhstan from the age of 21. Over the past three years, doctors have refused one person due to illness. How the fate of transgender people develops in the future, whether they had an operation or not, the staff of the Republican Mental Health Center do not know. But they are sure of one thing – the duty of any doctor is to help people.

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