Ammon – High dowries are a social problem that some societies face, and its causes differ from one country to another and from one culture to another. Here are some possible reasons for the high dowries:
1. Traditions and Customs: In some societies, dowry is considered part of social traditions and customs. There may be high expectations of dowries by families and society, and this leads to an increase in demand for high-cost goods and services.
2. High Demand and Limited Supply: When there is a high demand for ponies and limited supply, this leads to an increase in prices. Families may have fewer options, and they may face higher dowry costs.
3. Inflation and rising cost of living: If there is an increase in inflation and rising cost of living in general, then this may be affected by dowry costs as well. Rising prices of raw materials, products and services can increase the cost of ponies.
4. Costs associated with weddings and events: There may be high costs associated with organizing weddings and events, such as the cost of halls, food, decorations, and entertainment. This may require spending large amounts of money, thus increasing the cost of dowries.
5. Economic and social changes: There may be changes in economic and social conditions that affect the cost of dowries. For example, a high rate of unemployment or a deteriorating economy may lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of individuals and thus reduce the amounts available to pay dowries.
Efforts to combat the high cost of dowries aim to educate the community and change the culture and traditions associated with dowries, in addition to enhancing financial awareness, providing economic opportunities for young people, and improving general economic conditions. Government policies could also be adopted to regulate dowry costs and set legal limits on the amounts that can be demanded as dowries.