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Etropole Faces Devastating Floods: Bridges Swept Away and Houses Inundated

Flooded streets in Etropole. Dozens of reports have been filed, the municipality informed BNT.

A partial state of emergency is expected to be declared.

Bridges were swept away. The rivers in the area are overflowing, a crisis headquarters has been formed.

About 10 houses are flooded. There are no reports of people in distress. The city’s sewage treatment plant is flooded. After 18:30, heavy rain fell in the area. The Malki Iskar river has overflowed.

“Currently, there are no reports of injured people in Etropole, but the situation is very complicated and tense. There are flooded houses. They are currently pumping the water out of them. The level of the river is dropping slightly, but the rains are expected to continue, which will aggravate the situation even more,” the city’s deputy mayor, Rositsa Hristova, told bTV.

She is adamant that there is no broken dam at the dam. However, the water is high and the release of controlled quantities is required. The problem is that the waters have gone out of the riverbeds.

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2023-06-14 18:44:00

#Flooding #Etropole #state #emergency #expected

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