The ANACT has launched a call for projects to “improve the attractiveness of companies by acting on working and employment conditions”. This is aimed in particular at companies with less than 300 employees to resolve difficulties in recruiting, retaining employees and problems of attractiveness. If you want to participate and apply for a grant, you have very little time left.
Who is concerned and for which project?
Companies or associations with less than 300 employees can participate in this call for projects to improve the employment and working conditions of women and men.
The Fact (Fund for the improvement of working conditions) recommends the engagement of collective actions, whenever possible. The staff representative institutions or, failing that, the employees must be informed of the content of the project which is the subject of a FACT subsidy and be involved in its implementation.
Several types of project can be presented, in particular:
- innovative intervention approaches in the field of attractiveness implemented within VSEs-SMEs;
- approaches that accompany collective negotiations within VSEs-SMEs in terms of quality of life and working conditions or other subjects (GPEC/GEPP, organization of work, working conditions, etc.).
The financial contribution of Fact relates exclusively to the costs linked to the implementation of the project as well as to the fact of drawing and disseminating lessons. The financial aid cannot in any case relate to expenses linked to investments.
It is up to Anact to determine the amount of the subsidies within the framework of the financial envelope allocated to the call for projects (ie 900,000 euros).
Note that the Fact alone cannot support the entire cost of a project. It is necessary to benefit from co-financing: own financing (including valuation of the time devoted to the project) and/or public co-financing.
The co-financing can go up to €1,000 per day with a maximum of 12 days of intervention for an external consultant with the possibility of supporting 2 additional days of capitalization or valorization of the achievements of the project.
How to apply?
Companies must complete a file and submit their grant application online before June 30, 2023 (1st commission). Applications will be reviewed mid-July 2023
The deposit is made on the platform
Note that a 2nde commission is scheduled for 1is september.
To promote health and safety at work, Tissot Editions offers a whole range of tools (leaflets, kits, quarter-hour safety sheets, etc.)
Anne-Lise Castell
Lawyer in social law and editor at Tissot Editions
Graduated from the Master 2 DPRT of the Faculty of Law of Montpellier and expert in social law, I am specialized in legal writing. Within Tissot Editions, I participate in the animation …
2023-06-14 12:19:04
#Call #projects #working #conditions #days #left #participate