Home » Entertainment » Neighbors’ Parking Dispute: Camera Surveillance and Bike Placement Conflict

Neighbors’ Parking Dispute: Camera Surveillance and Bike Placement Conflict

Reina has a parking lot in front of her house where she parks her car every day. Her neighbor Sander also has a parking space in front of his house, but because he doesn’t have a car, Reina’s husband puts his work van in his parking space. As a result, Sander has to drive past two cars every day and, according to Reina, he does the necessary damage. “I just want it to be forbidden for him to put his bike here, because he can also just use his gate.”

Reina knows for sure that it is Sander who caused the damage: she has placed a camera in her garden that is also aimed at Sander’s garden. With this she keeps a close eye on him and that again goes wrong with Sander. He no longer wants to be filmed by her camera and that her husband’s car is no longer parked in his parking space. “And if that’s not possible, then I want my walkway to be kept clear of their vehicles.” The fact that Sander does not want to take the trouble to just put his bicycle in his backyard is completely wrong for Reina. “You’re lazy and selfish,” she rebukes him.

Emotions run high during the session. Sander says that he actually does not see the problem. “I don’t feel anything at all. It’s actually a matter of live and let live.” Reina doesn’t accept that. “But you won’t let me live. You’re just an empty bag of salt.” Before the situation escalates further, the Driving Judge will make his ruling.

He says that Sander is no longer allowed to cycle off the sidewalk. “Cycling on the sidewalk is prohibited at all times. You must walk along the sidewalk with your bicycle. If that doesn’t work, you’ll have to put your bike behind from now on.” But Reina doesn’t just get away with her camera practices either: “You are not allowed to film their garden. This is my verdict and the case is closed.”

2023-06-13 20:03:31
#Bicycle #quarrel #runs #high #Rijdende #Recht #bag #salt

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