In order to ensure that the quality of the ICT services does not fall and that the services can be offered without major restrictions, the city council believes that the IT services of the city of Wil must be increased in terms of personnel. He is therefore applying to the city parliament for an annually recurring loan of a maximum of CHF 127,200 for the creation of a full-time position as an “application manager”. In addition, an apprenticeship in computer science is to be created. The average annual loan requested for this is CHF 17,000.
Jun 13, 2023 3:17 p.m
In order to ensure that the quality of the ICT services does not fall and that the services can be offered without major restrictions, the city council believes that the IT services of the city of Wil must be increased in terms of personnel.
He is therefore applying to the city parliament for an annually recurring loan of a maximum of CHF 127,200 for the creation of a full-time position as an “application manager”. In addition, an apprenticeship in computer science is to be created. The average annual loan requested for this is CHF 17,000.
2023-06-13 19:20:26
#Quality #decrease #creation #fulltime #position