The municipal council of June 9 did not give birth to significant decision-making. But rather of a substantive debate relating in particular to the sports offer in Thionville or even on the urban planning field. Here are three things to remember.
Today at 07:00
1. Clinique Ambroise-Paré: “A project in great danger”
Until now, Pierre Cuny was content, on council evenings, to briefly review the many legal successes gleaned by the municipality. Attacked from all sides on the administrative ground, the urban planning projects of the majority come up against long periods of blockage. A slowdown that the mayor of Thionville no longer tolerates. In his viewfinder, “an association which exercises on us, elected officials, a certain form of blackmail”, he denounces. Without citing it, he is referring here to the Association for Legal and Ethical Real Estate Development (Adilee).
This associative player has made a name for himself in Yutz by opposing land projects in the past. His latest feat of arms today threatens the reconstruction of the Ambroise-Paré clinic on the Zac Meilbourg. The Adilee, “made up of five members of the same family”, considers insufficient the environmental impact study on this Zac which borders the A31. Pierre Cuny sees it as a maneuver pursuing other goals: “Their method is: ‘either you give us land, or we block your projects,’ he accuses. It’s intolerable, especially in a case like Ambroise-Paré, a €60 million project! “Without saying more for the moment, the mayor has decided to join forces with his counterpart from Yutz, Clémence Pouget: “We are changing gear. I decided to fight. It remains to specify the form of this counter-offensive…
2. Hospital hotel: land sold
The contours of the future hospital hotel are taking shape. Integrated into the second phase of urban renewal work on the Côte des Roses, this structure is managed by the company Seclem GGl Santé. On the sidelines of the vote to cede to this private actor a land right of way located Place Sainte-Anne, Brigitte Vaïsse displayed her skepticism. The socialist opponent sees it as a mark “of a transfer of public service to a private company. Let’s improve day surgery, OK, but not under these conditions”.
Pierre Cuny, for his part, wanted to be reassuring: “The goal is certainly not to encroach on the public hospital. With supporting examples, the mayor insisted on the benefits of this device, “unparalleled in France”, promoting outpatient medical care. And above all, he assured that an essential step will decide the future of the project: “If the conditions of contractualization with the CHR are not met, then we will not make a hospital hotel. »
3. Sports clubs: it’s almost complete!
The accessions of FC Thionville Lusitanos or the handball club have put Thionville back on the map of regional and even national sport. These convincing sporting successes cannot, however, hide, according to Guy Harau (EELV), the structural difficulties encountered by mass sport: “This year, many young people were unable to enroll in a discipline for lack of supervisors. You have to be careful…” A concern shared by Pierre Cuny.
“Today, we have 16,000 licensees. And half of them do not reside on our territory. An example ? Our climbing club has a waiting list of 100 people… There is no question of being ostracized but we are at the limit of what we can do. ” In the eyes of the mayor, like other areas, salvation can only pass through the merger with the Val de Fensch: “The creation of a large agglomeration will allow us to find common resources. An argument, one more, which will be put forward to justify the merits of this marriage between the two territories.
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