Jean Jefferson, a woman whose father was severely injured in an IRA bomb 50 years ago, has spoken about how the friendship she forged with the bomber helped her through the recent death of her husband. The 1973 attack in Coleraine killed six people, including Jefferson’s aunt. Sean McGlinchey, who was convicted of being involved in the car bomb attack and served 18 years in jail, was forgiven by Jefferson and her father. McGlinchey has since become a friend of Jefferson and was upset at the news of her husband’s death.
Reflecting on the bombing, Jefferson remarked, “I was teaching in England at the time and got a call that changed our lives forever. My sister ran downtown to see what happened. My father was sat with his head in his hands. She didn’t even recognise him because he was that injured. Home changed from then. How could someone do that in my hometown, I thought.”
Despite the pain and trauma of the attack, Jefferson’s father believed in forgiveness and instigated his family to do the same. Jefferson explained: “My father forgave Sean although he never told him directly. He was the instigator of forgiveness. How could we as a family not forgive then?”
Jefferson’s story of forgiveness and friendship is a testament to the power of forgiveness in difficult situations, though she recognizes not everyone can bring themselves to do so. Speaking about recent controversy around John Finucane, an MP from Sinn Fein who attended an IRA commemoration in south Armagh, Jefferson stated that she has a lot of respect for the MP and thinks he was unfairly condemned for attending the event.
This week marks the 50th anniversary of the Coleraine bombing, and a new memorial was unveiled in honor of the victims during an act of remembrance service on Monday. The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Steven Callaghan, noted that the memorial would ensure that the innocent lives lost that day would never be forgotten.
In conclusion, Jefferson’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of forgiveness and how it can bring healing and restoration in the face of immense trauma. Her ability to forgive and befriend McGlinchey after the harm his actions caused her family is truly inspiring, and her continued advocacy for understanding and forgiveness in other situations is a testament to her character and resilience.