Journalist Raúl Kollmann talked with Brisas Radio about how Carlos Telleldín became the lawyer for Brenda Uliarte, who is being held for the attempted assassination of Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
In dialogue with the program Registered Embonthe journalist considered that “the truth I don’t see a political axis to the issue. Carlos Telleldín is from the Villa Ballester area and from there he is also the father of Brenda Uliarte, who is a Peronist and Kirchnerist, and who got along very badly with her.”
Kollmann revealed that Brenda’s father had dealings with Telleldín, and that after she was imprisoned he recommended this lawyer to her. “Brenda is a character that mixes several things, she has tremendous hatred for Cristina, and she convinced Sabag Montiel of hatred. He had a tumultuous relationship with her, Brenda dated others, and he had difficulties in bed,” he detailed.
With these data that were known, he said that Brenda Uliarte was the one who insisted a lot on him about hatred and went to the Federal Revolution. “She was the most fanatical, so it seems to me that he tries to kill Cristina to earn points,” he said.
The journalist also revealed that “he was a person who was in bed all day, did little and nothing, and had a sexual fascination for animals. Within this framework, he went forward and had a fantasy that was going to escape , that he was going to shoot, that there was going to be a huge commotion and that he was going to escape”.
Therefore, Kollmann stated that “Telleldín came to this story when Brenda was imprisoned. That’s when the father went to see her.” Also, he indicated that he chose that attorney because she knew him and because is called a prisoner. At first, she denied for the month of October, but now she has accepted it.
Finally, he commented that Telleldín was the lawyer for the people who killed the former secretary of the Kirchners. “He has a studio in Santa Cruz and another one in the west and he is a release prisoners“, finished.
2023-06-11 14:52:13
#Kollmann #political #axis #appointment #Telleldín #Brenda #Uliartes #lawyer #Infobrisas #News #Mar #del #Plata #area