The collection that we celebrate in the Offices of the Lord’s Supper is a sign of the Christian Communication of Goods and is intended to support the diocesan programs for the social promotion of groups in situations of social exclusion (families, unemployed people, homeless people…).
On the afternoon of Holy Thursday, the Church gathers to participate in the Institution of the Eucharist and contemplate Jesus in the gesture of the Washing of the Feet. It is the day in which we are summoned to adore Jesus as Bread and Wine and to give ourselves out of love as He did for all of us. Celebrating the Eucharist, loving the brothers and sharing the goods updates your memory today.
The motto that Cáritas offers us for this day “We are what we give, we are Shared Love” is a call to live life in the key of donation and existence. Jesus shared himself under the sign of Bread and Wine in the Upper Room and washed the feet of his disciples to teach them that the Christian faith is lived in the key of service and dedication. Sharing the love received from God is what gives meaning to our existence.
#give #Shared #love #Cáritas #Diocesana #Cádiz
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