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The Link Between COVID-19 and Brain Fog: Neuronal Fusion as a Potential Cause

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[헬스코리아뉴스 / 이충만] As the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) has turned into an endemic disease, it has entered a full daily recovery phase. However, not a few patients suffer from sequelae for a long time after being infected. In the academic world, after suffering from Corona 19, various symptoms that do not know the cause are continued for a while, and they have been named ‘Long Covid’. In the case of double brain fog, as the risk of progressing to a neurodegenerative disease such as dementia is pointed out, interest in identification of the cause and treatment is growing.

Brain Fog literally refers to a state in which a feeling of daze persists, as if there is a fog in the head, and the inability to think and express clearly. It is caused by disorders in brain nerve control caused by stress, poor quality of sleep, food allergies, overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, and hormonal changes, and is accompanied by symptoms such as reduced concentration, poor memory, fatigue, depression, and loss of appetite. That is why it is also called Brain Fog Syndrome.

This symptom is not considered a disease from a medical point of view. This is because it is difficult to distinguish from a temporary decrease in concentration caused by external factors, and healthy adults often recover without special treatment.

However, as Brain Fog Syndrome was pointed out as a representative aftereffect of COVID-19, it has emerged as a global public health issue. This is because if brain fog symptoms are left untreated, the possibility of progressing to Alzheimer’s-related dementia is very high.

The cause of brain fog caused by COVID-19 has not yet been identified. Accordingly, there is no agreement on the long-term risks and treatment of long-Covid-related brain fog.

Currently, as numerous research results are accumulated, several hypotheses are emerging. A new concept theory has been proposed that one of them is that brain fog related to COVID-19 interferes with signal transmission in the nervous system due to the generation of fusion of neurons, the basic unit cells that make up the nervous system.

Fused Neurons Interfere with Nervous System Signal Transduction … Cause Brain Fog

Until now, the consensus theory in the neuroscience community has been that neurons are exceptional cells in the phenomenon of cell fusion. However, Dr. Massimo Hilliard of Bioengineering at the University of Queensland, Australia, and his team have found that neurons can fuse in the brain through animal experiments.

The phenomenon in which neurons send electrical signals to excite them is called firing. However, according to the test results of the Hilliard team, 90% of the fused neurons showed firing, while the remaining 10% showed no response at all. The researchers concluded, “It is estimated that if firing does not occur in 10% of all neurons, neurotransmission activity is disrupted and brain fog occurs.”

The question that arises here is how the COVID-19 virus causes neuronal fusion. In response, the Hilliard research team pointed to angiotensin-converting enzyme type 2 (ACE2) as the key.

Corona 19 penetrates into cells using the spike protein, which is the protruding part of the virus. At this time, the spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor of human cells. The reason why the risk of developing pneumonia after infection with Corona 19 is high is because there are many ACE2 receptors in lung cells.

When the COVID-19 virus binds to the ACE2 receptor, it releases specific genetic material and penetrates cells supporting neurons, epithelial stem cells, and pericytes. The research team derived the hypothesis that this process results in the generation of fusion between neurons. In fact, preclinical mouse experiments showed that fused neurons develop when the spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor.

This is a very encouraging result, given the fact that there is currently no approved treatment for COVID-19-related brain fog. Adonis Sfera, professor of psychiatry at Linden University in Rome, USA, said, “If it is proven that the phenomenon of combining neurons like Siamese twins is related to brain fog and other neurodegenerative diseases, it will provide a clue to the design of innovative treatments.” said.

However, as it is still a phenomenon observed in preclinical studies, some are requesting a more cautious approach. Olivier Schwartz, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute, pointed out, “There has been no case reported that neuronal fusion caused by COVID-19 infection has occurred in the human body yet.”

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2023-06-08 15:01:00

#brain #fog #aftermath #long #Covid19

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