Apart from using templates, you can also apply how to make business cards in Word using tables. How to make business cards using tables is also not difficult to practice. Even though it’s a bit more troublesome than using a table, you can be more creative when you follow the steps for making business cards using this table.
Here’s how to create business cards in Word using tables:
1. Open Microsoft Word on the device you are using.
2. Then, click the Page Layout tab, then select Margins.
3. After the paper limit size option appears, select Narrow.
4. Click the Insert tab, then select the Table option.
5. Create a table with a length of 5 cells and a width of 2 cells.
6. Open the table properties by right-clicking on the crosshairs cursor in the upper left corner of the table, then selecting Table Properties.
7. To make it easier when aligning the information on the business card, set the table layout by selecting the Center option.
8. Then click the Row tab, then check the Specify Height box. Enter a size of 2”, and select Exactly in the Row Height is column.
9. Click the Column tab, then check the Preferred Width box. Enter a size of 3.5”, and select Exactly in the Measure in column.
10. To adjust the size of the table to the screen, right-click again on the table cursor aiming, then click AutoFit, then select Fixed Column Width so that the table size does not change when you enter data in it.
11. Then, enter the data or information that you want to include on the business card. You can choose the type and size of the font, color, and various tools.
12. After entering data or information in one table cell, copy it to move it to another cell. Make sure before filling in the information on the card there are no more errors.
13. After the contents of the first cell have been copied and pasted into other cells, right-click again on the table crosshairs and then go back to Table Properties. Click the Borders and Shading option then select None for the border. The goal is that the table border is not visible when the cards are cut.
14. Print the business cards that have been made.
How to make this business card is not so difficult to practice. You just have to follow the easy steps until you print a lot of them. When printing, don’t forget to choose paper that is suitable for business cards. This is of course also important to note so that you look more professional in the eyes of clients and colleagues.
2023-06-08 07:50:00
#Business #Cards #Word #Templates #Tables