New Delhi. It is going to be easy for vehicles and pilgrims to go to Amarnath Yatra. Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari shared the pictures of this bridge in a tweet and said that Jammu and Kashmir has completed the construction of 2-lane Jaiswal bridge over Chenab river on Udhampur-Ramban section of NH-44. The carefully designed balanced cantilever bridge spans 118 meters and was built at a cost of ₹20 crore.
The bridge will decongest the Chanderkote to Ramban section, thereby facilitating vehicular movement. It will facilitate seamless movement of vehicles and pilgrims during ‘Shri Amarnath Yatra’ on Jammu-Srinagar National Highway 44, which is about to begin soon. Is.
In Jammu and Kashmir, we have completed the construction of a 2-lane Jaiswal Bridge over River Chenab on the Udhampur-Ramban section of NH-44. This meticulously designed Balanced Cantilever bridge spans 118 meters and has been built at a cost of ₹20 Crore.
The establishment of…
— Nitin Gadkari (@nitin_gadkari) June 7, 2023
Tags: Amarnath Yatra, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari
FIRST PUBLISHED : June 07, 2023, 21:23 IST