Nedunkandam ∙ The police have made a crucial discovery in the incident where a 17-year-old boy took his own life in Vandanmet. According to the police, the student had posted his death scenes live on the internet and took his life on the instructions of an online game gang.
The 17-year-old was found dead in his bedroom last day. Police say that he died by hanging himself after consuming poison. After this, when the family members and relative IT experts checked the laptop used by the student, they realized that the laptop was being controlled by an unknown group from the time the internet was turned on and that the student had been living on their instructions for some time.
Police say that the student had recently changed his lifestyle. Inside the bedroom, multi-colored, remote-controlled lights are arranged. Learned Japanese, French, Hindi and English. The police said that the student committed suicide after completing the tasks given by Anjata Sangh online.
English Summary: Youth death influenced by online game
2023-06-06 19:20:20
#student #committed #suicide #putting #death #scenes #live #instructions #Anjata #Sangh #game