Home » Entertainment » German Government Proposes Measures to Protect Female Public of Rammstein Amid Sexual Assault Accusations Against Singer Till Lindemann

German Government Proposes Measures to Protect Female Public of Rammstein Amid Sexual Assault Accusations Against Singer Till Lindemann

The case embarrasses across the Rhine. The German government on Tuesday asked for measures to protect the female public of Rammstein after accusations of sexual assault against the singer of the famous metal group.

The group’s singer, Till Lindemann, is accused of being at the center of a real system intended to sexually assault groupies after concerts. The case began at the end of May with the testimony of a 24-year-old Irish woman accusing the 60-year-old of having drugged and sexually assaulted her after a concert the same month in Lithuania. This testimony released the words of other young women, all describing more or less the same scenario. The groupies would have been spotted in the front rows of the concerts, filmed or photographed so that Lindemann could make his choice, before for some of them being invited backstage for parties. Some would then have been drugged before being attacked by the singer. The group strongly denies these accusations, while claiming to “take them very seriously”.

Protective zones during concerts

While four sold-out concerts are scheduled for this week at the Olympic Stadium in Munich, German Family Minister, environmentalist Lisa Paus, reacted on Tuesday. “Young people in particular need to be better protected against attacks,” she said. In particular, it proposes the establishment of protective zones for women during concerts as well as teams capable of intervening in the event of sexual assault. We must discuss “quickly and concretely” protective measures, asks the minister, for whom “a serious debate on the responsibility of artists and organizers vis-à-vis their fans would be useful”.

In future concerts, the area just in front of the stage (“Row Zero”) in which the singer would have spotted the young women will be removed. “The organizer informed us yesterday that there will be no Row Zero or Aftershow Party here at home,” said Tobias Kohler, stadium spokesman.

Rammstein, one of the most popular metal bands in the world, is currently on a European tour. Founded in 1994 by musicians from the former GDR and experienced in provocations in its clips, the group must notably perform in the coming weeks in France, Italy, Switzerland or even Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and Austria.

2023-06-06 15:43:14
#Rammstein #singer #accused #sexual #assault #German #government #reacts

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