Jakarta –
PDIP DPP chairman Puan Maharani leaked the names of the vice presidential candidates for Ganjar Pranowo. These names include Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud Md to General Chair of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).
“There are ten running candidates, there are ten names. If I may mention those in the media, Mr. Mahfud has entered his name, Mr. Erick Thohir, Mr. Ridwan Kamil, Mr. Sandiaga Uno. Then there is Mr. AHY, right? Mr. AHY, sir, sopo again Sir? Mr. Airlangga, right?” said Puan at the PDIP Party School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, Tuesday (6/6/2023).
Puan said the names were included in the Ganjar cawapres map. He said the names each have their strengths.
“These names are included in the map in the PDI Perjuangan, if I may mention those names and all of them certainly have advantages which will be considered later,” he said.
“Then can it work together with the presidential candidate from the PDI Perjuangan, in accordance with the vision and mission, aspirations, and so on,” he continued.
Puan said the names were still under consideration. He said that the determination of Ganjar’s vice presidential candidate would not be determined today.
“So the name will still be determined later, but not today. So we are still considering the existing names,” he said.
See also Video ‘Jokowi: Leaders Have Guts, Like Pak Ganjar!’:
2023-06-06 09:53:43
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