Péter Erdő said that our gratitude for Pope Francis’ visit to Hungary is authentic if we “turn his teachings into action”.
Just as Pope Francis considered it important to express his love for the sick, the disabled, the poor, refugees, and those living on the margins of society, we must “notice the needy people in our own environment and help them.”
Just as the Holy Father wanted to meet the representatives of the Hungarian Church, so we must “experience the local church community”. Just as Pope Francis met separately with young people, people of science and culture, we too must be open to all age groups and take seriously the dialogue that takes place in the world of the spirit, he added.
Finally, as Pope Francis expressed his high regard for Saint Stephen and repeated Hungary’s offering to Our Lady at the end of the Mass in Kossuth Square, “we too must confidently ask for the help of Our Lady of Hungarians, assume our duties and responsibilities for the sake of our people, with our heads held high and our hearts open, just as we did back then King Szent István”, listed the cardinal.