Actress and producer Eva Longoria (48) stunned everyone at Cannes with her stunning look. Longoria, known for her long-running role as Gabrielle Solis on Desperate Housewives, showed off a great figure in a sheer white lace dress. It’s an Ellie Saab dress, which she accessorized with silver earrings. Eva pulled her hair into a classic bun with strands thrown forward.
For her French fashion show, she chose a sheer dress that showed off her toned body, which she’s worked hard to achieve since giving birth to her son, Santiago (4). Eva, who is only 155 centimeters tall, gained a little more than twenty kilograms during her pregnancy, which she was in no hurry to lose after giving birth to her first and so far only child.
And while her weight did not bother her in the least, the public was very critical and spiteful, and the actress took terrible insults on social networks. Then she started working out every day at a private gym and jumping on a trampoline, bringing her body to a fever pitch. She also drastically changed her diet. Many claim that Eva has never looked more beautiful and content, which she proved with her charming look at Cannes.
2023-06-05 10:33:49
#Eva #Longoria #squealed #Labor