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How to Cancel Insurance Contracts: New Measures and Rules Explained

Have you taken out a home insurance, car insurance or complementary health insurance contract and you want to cancel it? What steps should you take?

The government published on March 17, 2023 the decree implementing article 17 of law no. 2022-1158 of August 16, 2022 laying down emergency measures for the protection of purchasing power. From now on, if you have subscribed to an insurance contract online, you can cancel it in a simple and clear way, in just a few clicks, without the obligation to send a letter or a letter of cancellation.. Insurance organizations must guarantee the operation of this “three-click termination” since 1is June 2023.

This measure aims to protect consumers, strengthen competition and facilitate the choice of the most interesting commercial offers. A second decree, to come in the coming weeks, will make it possible to extend this new system to many other services, in application of the purchasing power law of 2022.

The annual termination

The duration is determined by the contract or insurance policy. However, you have the right to terminate your contract after the expiry of a period of one year. To do this, you must send a notification of termination (letter or email, for example) to your insurer at least two months before the due date. Health and professional insurance contracts may derogate from this annual termination rule. In this case, the periodicity of termination is indicated in the contract.

Opposition to tacit renewal

Insurance contracts very often include a tacit renewal clause. Your contract will automatically renew each year. However, you can oppose it. To facilitate this opposition, your insurer has the obligation to remind you, with the annual expiry notice, of the deadline by which you can terminate your insurance contract. From the date of dispatch of the notice of expiry, you have a period of 20 days to request the non-renewal of your contract from your insurer. This request must be sent to your insurer by registered letter.

Termination for non-reminder of the deadline

Your insurer is required to remind you of the deadline by which you can obtain a termination at maturity. He must do so at least 15 days before this deadline. If you have not received a notice of expiryyou are entitled to terminate the contract, without penalty, at any time after the renewal.

To do this, you must notify your insurer (by letter or email, for example). Termination will take effect the day after the date shown on the postmark or the date of notification. On the other hand, you will have to pay the premium corresponding to the period during which you have always been covered, until the effective date of the cancellation.

In application of the consumption law, you can now cancel your insurance at any time, after the first anniversary of your contract, free of charge and without reason. This measure concerns four types of insurance: multi-risk home, car, complementary health and affinity (in addition to a good or service, such as mobile phone insurance).

2023-06-04 20:49:07
#Insurance #terminate #contract #clicks #KARIBINFO.com

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