NOS News•
The car bridge in the harbor of the Frisian Holwert has not yet been built. After days of research and the replacement of a cable of four hundred meters, Rijkswaterstaat is still in the dark about what is wrong with the bridge.
Dozens of travelers on the boat between Ameland and Holwert had to sail back to Ameland on Monday night because their car could not drive over the bridge. The timetable could be resumed the next day, because a crane was installed to operate the car bridge.
The cable that was replaced yesterday was tested last night. But that test was “not properly completed”, says a spokesman for Rijkswaterstaat.
‘Don’t just put the cable on the shelf’
It took a few days before the cable could be replaced, the spokesman said earlier. “You don’t just have a cable with such a length lying on a shelf somewhere and you don’t just transport it.”
But the problem seems to lie elsewhere. Further investigation will be carried out after the weekend.
In the meantime, the crane remains standing as an emergency solution. So the travelers are not much bothered by the broken bridge, except that loading and unloading the luggage is “slightly more cumbersome”, says the spokesperson.
2023-06-03 08:32:50
#Meters #long #cable #replaced #car #bridge #Holwert #broken