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Why Capricorn Never Follows Astrology Advice

Representatives of this sign never follow the advice of astrologers.

In ancient times, astrology was available only to the elite – priests, observing the location of celestial bodies, predicted the future only for representatives of the ruling dynasties. Horoscopes were not compiled for mere mortals. Today, anyone can find out the forecast for their zodiac sign, the only question is how to treat the warnings of the stars – with a smile, irony, or with all seriousness. In the zodiac circle, there is one zodiac sign that categorically refuses to believe the stars and astrologers. Tell us who this skeptic is.


It is enough just to look at Capricorn once to understand how skeptical he is about literally everything. This is an incredibly practical sign that trusts only itself – its sight, hearing, smell, touch, etc.

Everything that Capricorn cannot verify from his own experience makes him distrustful.

It is not surprising that representatives of the earth element do not follow the advice of astrologers, and indeed do not read horoscopes at all. Of interest to Capricorns are only those sciences, the object of study of which can be felt with your own hands or seen with your eyes, and the methods are clear and transparent. Everything else they question.

If you read or listen to a horoscope on the radio in the presence of Capricorn. be prepared for the fact that he expressively raises his eyes to the ceiling and sighs just as meaningfully. It will only mean one thing:

“How can you believe in these generalized and streamlined phrases in which there is not a drop of specifics?”

You should not enter into a quarrel with the representative of the sign and prove to him that there is a rational grain in the predictions of the stars, if you perceive them not as a guide to action, but as an impulse for reflection on your life. Capricorn will still remain in his opinion – even if the warnings of astrologers come true.

The thing is that people born under this constellation are used to looking at the world through the prism of rationality.

They will never understand how you can take a word. Everything that cannot be verified on one’s own experience, Capricorn not only categorically denies, but will always look with distrust and suspicion.

Representatives of the sign will also not read and listen to horoscopes just for fun. It would be better if they spend their time on work, sleep, food or self-education – Capricorns continually subscribe to educational channels that contain reliable information and news from the world of science.

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