Home » Business » “Action Plan for High-Quality Development of Artificial Intelligence in Shenzhen: Cultivating a High-Quality Data Market”

“Action Plan for High-Quality Development of Artificial Intelligence in Shenzhen: Cultivating a High-Quality Data Market”

Securities Times News, the General Office of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government issued a notice on the “Action Plan for Accelerating the High-quality Development and High-level Application of Artificial Intelligence in Shenzhen (2023-2024)”, which proposes to cultivate high-quality data factor market. Before the end of 2023, public data opening management measures, public data resource catalogs, and public data opening plans will be formulated. Build the city’s public data open operation platform, establish multi-modal public data sets, create high-quality Chinese corpus data, use technologies such as privacy computing and data security circulation, and integrate data from education, medical and other industries with enterprise data. Study and introduce policies and measures for cultivating the data element market, further expand the transaction scale of Shenzhen Data Exchange, encourage industry leading enterprises and platform enterprises to provide high-quality data products and professional data services, and guide enterprises to explore data assets, open data resources, and participate in data exchange. transactions, and build a batch of enterprise data brands. Accelerate the research and development of technologies such as separation of storage and use, measurement and transaction, and safe circulation, focus on cultivating multiple entities such as data source providers, data developers, data service providers, and platform service providers, and promote the comprehensive collection, storage, washing, labeling, and training of data develop.

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2023-05-31 04:18:00
#Shenzhen #Cultivate #highquality #data #element #market #expand #transaction #scale #Shenzhen #Data #Exchange

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