The Dutch NightWatch system, which can remotely detect epileptic seizures in children, is functioning properly. This is shown by recent research, which also shows that monitoring reduces stress among parents and carers.
The researchers followed 53 children with epilepsy who wore a bracelet that detects epileptic seizures for 2,310 nights. The NightWatch detects 90 percent of severe motor attacks and on average sounds a false alarm once every three nights, according to the study. An important result is that the use of the system reduces stress among parents and carers.
Tune better
Despite these encouraging results, the system is not fully developed yet. Further research is needed to fine-tune the seizure detection algorithm, especially for children with severe epilepsy and intellectual disability.
2023-05-31 09:45:09
#Remote #epilepsy #detection #system #reduces #stress #Skipr