06:14 PM
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser:
Black grapes are among the favorite summer fruits for many people, due to their delicious taste and contain a variety of nutrients necessary for the body.
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In the following report, The Consulto reviews the benefits of black grapes, according to Healthline.
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The nutritional value of black grapes
When eating a cup of black grapes, equivalent to 138 grams, the body gets the following nutrients:
– 90 calories.
24 grams of carbohydrates.
1 gram of fibre.
– 1 gram of protein.
– 1 gram of fat.
17% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C.
– 11% of vitamin A.
– 2% of iron.
Also read: Natural Viagra- Here are the benefits of black grapes for men
Benefits of black grapes
1- Support heart health
Grapes are characterized by their high content of antioxidants, which help stimulate blood circulation in the body, control blood pressure, and reduce stroke, heart attack, and atherosclerosis.
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2- Controlling blood sugar
Black grapes provide great protection against diabetes, and the reason is due to their high content of polyphenols, which contribute to controlling blood sugar and reducing insulin resistance in the body, according to some research.
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3- Anti-cancer
Black grapes play a major role in preventing some cancers, such as stomach, breast, liver, thyroid, ovaries, prostate, colon and cervix, thanks to their anti-tumor properties.
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4- Treating some skin diseases
In some studies, researchers found that anthocyanins found in black grapes treat some skin diseases, such as acne, sunburn, hyperpigmentation, and skin cancer, in addition to their ability to combat skin aging.
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5- Promote hair growth
Women who suffer from hair loss can help it grow and increase its density by eating black grapes on a regular basis, as it contains nutrients that stimulate the follicles to germinate.
2023-05-30 15:15:07
#Benefits #black #grapes