The E2 visa is the sesame for many French people dreaming of living in the United States for the long term.
To get it, there are a few options, including the creation of a company on American soil, or the acquisition of a business. Today we are going to talk about the option that is gaining popularity every year: opening a franchise.
On the program of this free one-hour webinar:
– The franchise sector in the USA
– The promise of the franchisors
– What is it really ?
– Advantages / disadvantages: Buying a franchise vs Starting your own business vs Making an acquisition for the E2 Visa
– The E2 visa in a nutshell
– Franchise and E2 visa
– Pitfalls and journey of applying for the E2 visa in the context of a franchise
Tuesday, June 13 at 12pm ET 11am CT 9am PT 6pm France
[Inscription gratuite]
You will have the opportunity to ask all your questions live. You can also send them to us before the webinar, to: [email protected]
2023-05-31 09:01:07
#Webinaire #Opening #franchise #USA #key #American #life #French #Morning