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“WhatsApp adds screen sharing feature for business applications like Microsoft Teams and Zoom”

It has been announced that the screen sharing feature will come to WhatsApp, which has attracted attention with the recent updates. Your feature; Its use in business applications such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom drew attention.

WhatsApp, the world’s most frequently used instant messaging platform, is preparing for another important innovation. With the upcoming update, WhatsApp will open the screen sharing feature, which is widely used on platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom.


According to the news in Engadget, the upcoming update of the most popular messaging platform WhatsApp will include a screen sharing experience that will display screen content with the person on the other end of the conversation while recording.

This new feature, which is currently only available to a limited number of Android Beta Testers, is expected to be available to more users in the coming weeks. It is anticipated that the update will not be supported on older Android models.


Lastly, two new features were announced for WhatsApp, which Meta is trying to update according to the requirements of the age. First of all, the platform delights its users with an update that will allow them to edit messages within 15 minutes; then announced the ‘username’ feature, where phone numbers would be history.

Son Dika Technology New feature to WhatsApp: Screen sharing can be done

2023-05-30 23:04:31
#feature #WhatsApp #Screen #sharing

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