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“The Characteristics and Functions of Plant Collenchyma Tissue Explained”

The characteristics of collenchyma tissue are in the discussion of biology material. Collenchyma has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other plant tissues. To find out what are the characteristics of these plant tissues, then don’t miss the discussion below.

Characteristics of Plant Collenchyma Tissues

Plants are living things that have many tissues. The tissues in plants include meristematic tissue, sclerenchyma, parenchyma, epidermis, transporters, and collenchyma.

Of the many tissues in plants, collenchyma is interesting for us to peel thoroughly on this occasion. As with other plant tissues, collenchyma has its own important role. This tissue strongly supports the plant skeleton.

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Collenchyma including permanent tissue, but simple. Inside the tissue there are axially elongated cells that have unequal and thickened cell walls.

On the other hand, collenchyma also has many characteristics that distinguish it from other plant tissues. To make it easier for you to get to know collenchyma tissue, make sure you know what these characteristics are.


One of the characteristics you can know from the shape. Collenchyma tissue has a different shape from other plant tissues.

This network is elongated and looks parallel. Seeing this form, we cannot deny that its appearance is in accordance with the center or core of the organ.

Still related to shape, this network has a size of up to 1.5 millimeters with a diameter of about 50 micrometers. The formation of collenchyma tissue itself is due to living cells that experience stretching growth.

Cell Wall Content

Another characteristic that you can also find in collenchyma tissue is the content of the cell wall. You need to know that in the cell wall there is no lignin content.

In that section there are pectin, cellulose, to hemicellulose. In addition, there are also chloroplasts that facilitate the process of photosynthesis.

Thanks to these ingredients, it is easier for plants to make and get food. This content also helps plants in providing energy.

Has Vacuoles

No less important for you to know that it turns out that collenchyma tissue also has vacuoles. The characteristics of the vacuoles in this collenchyma tissue are that they are quite large and look prominent.

With a relatively large size, vacuoles in the collenchyma tissue play the main role as secretory storage of contents. In this vacuole area there is also granular cytoplasm.

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Turning to the center of the vacuole, you can also find the nucleus or cell nucleus. We can say that the role of vacuoles in collenchyma tissue is indeed important.

Cell Condition

Within the collenchyma tissue there are various living cells which are also interesting for you to study in more depth. Conditions between cells in collenchyma tissue fairly tight.

This density allows the free space to be very limited. Moreover, the cells in the collenchyma tissue apparently also contain protoplasm.

Collenchyma Network Function

After knowing what the characteristics of collenchyma tissue are, you shouldn’t miss its function either. Basically, collenchyma tissue functions in strengthening or supporting plant organs.

Its role as a strengthening or supporting network is realized by actively supporting growth and development. Because of the function of the collenchyma tissue, plants can be fertile and develop properly.

Location of collenchyma tissue

Apart from the features and functions, of course you are also curious about the location of the collenchyma network, right? No need to be confused. This collenchyma tissue is usually present in young plants.

More precisely, the location of collenchyma tissue is in the stalks, stems, leaves and twigs. Not only that, this network is also often found in fruit and flower sections.

It is often located under the epidermis. The role of collenchyma tissue will be more optimal when working in plant organs that are still active.

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With the collenchyma tissue in the new plant, it makes it easier to grow. Without collenchyma tissue, growth will be stunted and not optimal.

We cannot deny that the characteristics of collenchyma tissue in plants are very diverse. Make sure you not only study the characteristics, but also the function to the location of the network. We should know collenchyma tissue well when studying living things in biological material. (R10/HR-Online)

2023-05-30 12:36:16
#Characteristics #Plant #Collenchyma #Tissue #Function #Location

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