On May 27 of this year, Raimonds Celms, actor of the Latvian National Theater and cinema, became a married man. Celms married Paula Pērkoni, the mother of his son Viļas, who after the wedding will be known as Paula Celms, writes the publication “Privatā Dzīve” this week.
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The couple got married in the church of Opekalna at the exact moment when the Latvian hockey players wrestled with the Canadian hockey players in the semi-final match in Tampere.
In the summer of 2021, the lovers became parents – son Vilis was born, but now the couple is also officially married.
According to “Privātā Dzīve”, the actor met his future wife at the festival “Sudmalinės”, where Celms was the host, and Paula Pērkone – a dancer of the dance ensemble “Daiļrade” – invited the actor to dance. And so the dance continues. The new wife posted a short video of the new couple dancing at the wedding celebration on the “Instagram” platform.
As Celms said earlier, the two would have been married earlier, but the plans were interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic, the works stopped, there was not enough money, because the lovers wanted a “big ball”.
Raimonds Celms came to the National Theater as a late acting student in 2014. He has roles in the shows “Cabaret”, “Taste of Lead”, “Blood Wedding” and others. Also, Celms starred in Jānis Ābele’s film “Seven billion years before the end of the world” and also in “Spirit of Souls”.
2023-05-30 05:38:46
#Laulības #Celms #directed #actor #National #Theater #Raimonds #Celms