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Study Shows Electrical Stimulation of the Brain Can Boost Mental Functions

In a study that is considered the “largest and most comprehensive”, scientists suggest that “electrical stimulation of the brain” can help enhance the mental functions of humans, according to what was published by the site “.Science Alert“.

For decades, scientists have been interested in discovering how to enhance a person’s mental abilities, by “improving attention in high-risk environments, and reviving memory in people with dementia.”

And in Reinhart’s lab at Boston University, researchers studied the effects of a technology called (TACS) to stimulate different mental functions in patients and healthy people.

During the procedure, people wear a flexible cap with electrodes that deliver weak electrical currents of specific frequencies to the scalp.

By applying these controlled currents to specific areas of the brain, it is possible to alter the ‘brain activity’, by stimulating the ‘neurons’.

And in 2016, researchers found promising evidence of the use of TACS technology to change mental functions, according to what was published at the time by the “Target” website.Science Direct“.

After that, the number of studies showing the impact of this technology on stimulating human brain functions doubled.

The researchers concludedbigger and more comprehensiveAn analysis to date on this topic, which consists of over 100 published studies, involving over 2,800 subjects.

After pooling more than 300 measures of mental function across all studies, the researchers noted a “steady and immediate improvement” in mental function using the TACS technique.

The researchers examined “specific cognitive functions, such as memory and attention,” and noted that TACS improved the “executive functions” of the brain.

The researchers also noted improvements in the ability to pay attention and retain information for short and long periods of time.

The findings suggest that TACS can improve certain types of mental functions, at least in the short term.

According to Science Alert, advances in the use of TACS are bringing researchers closer to being able to safely improve mental function in a “non-drug” way.

The study suggests that an improved TACS design could help bring about “stronger and longer-lasting” changes in mental function.

2023-05-29 07:02:38

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