Just a few days ago, we wrote that one of the users caught fire on his OnePlus 8 Pro. Now a similar case has happened with another OnePlus smartphone – OnePlus Nord 2T.
What is known
Incident reporting appeared on social networks. A guy named Vipul bought a phone on May 4th, and just 6 days later it exploded. This happened during a bike ride: the gadget was in his pocket and burned his skin as a result of sunbathing. The owner of the phone had to be hospitalized, but now everything is fine with him.
According to the source, OnePlus support said that the user himself was responsible for this explosion.
After the news was published on social networks, the company’s support service responded and asked for clarification on some details of what had happened. “We are deeply concerned to hear of this incident and apologize for any inconvenience caused. We take the safety of our customers very seriously”, OnePlus said in a comment.
Source: @Trolling_isart