“The novel “Time Asylum” is dedicated to my mother and father, who continue to weed the strawberry fields of childhood,” said the writer Georgi Gospodinov in the “120 Minutes” program.
According to the first Bulgarian writer who won the prestigious Booker literary prize, the book is already sold out, but it will be available again on Tuesday, and on Wednesday he will be signing autographs at the Book Fair.
“Today I am returning from London, the book is finished there as well,” said Gospodinov.
“I was very happy to be on the long list. This award is such that the nominations are a big success, after that I was not very excited. It was important to me that I got there. I was calm until we met the other contenders. It could be seen that they all swallowed their tongues. When they announced the award, there were cheers from the entire hall,” he recalls.
According to Gospodinov, when he was told his name, he turned to the translator of the booker-awarded work, Angela Rodel, and said to himself: “Is it true, we heard well.”
“Then I talked to the people from the jury, they said that from the long list onwards, this book was a personal choice of each of them,” shared Gospodinov.
“The past has no expiration date. Personal past is irreversible, but political past is reversible,” he said.
“A novel is something you can’t scroll. The book is a slow medium, but it gives long messages,” shared Gospodinov.
“I imagine the old days like this: a small house and I will look after bees. To hear the voices of people and friends,” he concluded.
Georgi Gospodinov is the first Bulgarian writer to win one of the most prestigious literary prizes – the Booker. His novel Asylum was honored as the winner at a glittering ceremony in London, beating 164 competitors.
Georgi Gospodinov was born in Yambol in 1968. His first collection of poems – “Lapidarium” – launched his literary career. With it, he also won his first National Debut Award “South Spring”. His first attempt in prose – “Natural Novel” – also became a literary sensation: it is the most translated Bulgarian work since 1989.
2023-05-28 16:57:33
#Georgi #Gospodinov #Vremeubezhishte #dedicated #mother #mother #Culture #News