Jakarta –
One of the vital components in a car is the battery or battery. So when is the right time and what are the signs that our car battery needs to be replaced?
According to various sources, many conditions can affect the age or durability of a car battery. One of the most significant is the intensity of car use.
In addition, according to Auto2000, weather influences and car storage locations can also play a role in battery life. Even the pattern of our care for the car also has a role.
“However, this can differ from one car to another. An engine running under the hood already generates high levels of heat. Plus a car used in hot weather conditions, the higher the battery test,” wrote Auto2000.
Then how long can the battery work optimally in the car? According to Auto2000, car batteries can last between 2 and 5 years. However, there are several ways that car owners can do to extend their lifespan.
Tips for Car Batteries to Last
The easiest way to make a car battery last longer is to warm up the car diligently. According to Auto2000, even if the car is not in use, it is better if the car owner can periodically turn it on and heat it up for a while.
“At least once every two days you need to warm up the engine. This is so that the battery components continue to function normally (to) avoid the problem of a battery that cannot restart,” wrote Auto2000.
Apart from having to heat up the car diligently, also make sure that the condition of the battery is always properly attached to the clamps. This is so that the car is safe from a short circuit. Also check the condition periodically, especially parts that have the potential to corrode.
The final tip is to build a habit of always making sure all electronic devices and car accessories are dead before leaving the car for a long time.
“You also must not forget to turn off the lights before leaving the car. Turning on the headlights and car door lights by mistake can cause the car battery to lose power quickly,” said Auto2000.
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2023-05-28 13:10:54
#Dont #Wait #Strike #Ideal #Time #Replace #Car #Battery