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Space launch vehicle Nuriho made with pure Korean technology.
Two days ago, it successfully flew into space with eight satellites on board.
The main mounted satellite, ‘Next Generation Small Satellite No. 2’, succeeded in extending the antenna of the video radar, which is a key equipment for observing the earth.
However, the whereabouts of two of the seven cube satellites are still unknown, so the government continues to try to contact them.
Reporter Lim Hyun-joo reports.
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The next-generation small satellite No. 2, a key satellite among the eight satellites that went into orbit on the Korean launch vehicle Nuri, succeeded in unfolding its video radar antenna around 6:30 last night.
Next-generation small satellite No. 2 will use this equipment to observe the earth in the future, and it will be possible to observe the earth day and night without being affected by light and clouds, so you will be able to see the earth clearly regardless of the weather.
The Ministry of Science and ICT said, “As a result of checking the condition of the antenna module and satellite attitude control function after unfolding the video radar antenna, all are normal.”
The body and sensor condition were also confirmed to be normal.
Next week, we plan to perform basic function checks on the space radiation observer and four types of technology verification payloads, which are payloads for scientific missions.
Toyosat 1, 2, and 4 among sub-mounted satellites succeeded in receiving signals, and Lumir and Cairospace satellites, which were the first industrial cube satellites to successfully receive satellite signals on the day of launch, also went into operation.
However, 2 of the 8 satellites mounted on the Nuri, including Toyosaat 3 and 1 private satellite, are still not receiving signals, so they are constantly trying to communicate.
[조선학/과기정통부 거대공공연구정책관 (어제)]
″Since the cube satellite itself has a very small shape and then there is a certain limit to attitude control, we started with a margin for communication, and we will continue to monitor that part.″
The government announced that it will continue to monitor transmission and reception problems and disclose additional mission performance status of mounted satellites, as CubeSat usually takes about a week to receive signals and communicate.
This is Im Hyun-joo from MBC News.
Video coverage: Lee Hyeong-bin / Video editing: Kim Kwan-soon
2023-05-27 11:07:59
#Nextgeneration #satellite #antenna #unfolded #cube #satellites #unconfirmed