The 74-year-old states on Friday that he thinks it is ‘nice’ that they are off the screen for a few weeks. Gijs Groenteman and Marcel van Roosmalen take over from Wilfred Genee, Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp. Also returns The Orange Summer back with Hélène Hendriks. When Johan is asked if he will join one of the programs this summer, he reveals that he has to go under the knife.
Fortunately for the grumpy bear it is not too bad and he is operated on for a groin hernia. “I had a groin hernia and in corona time they sent me away. ‘Is it bothering you, Mr Derksen?’ I said: ‘No’. So then it was: go ahead,” he looks back on the live broadcast on the conversation he had with his doctor at the time.
Friday, June 2 is the last one Inside today of the season to see. From Monday 5 June, Marcel van Roosmalen and Gijs Groenteman will take over.
2023-05-27 12:08:50
#Johan #Derksen #summer #break #Today #knife