“I am here to bring you a very clear message: ‘Tin bota’, Europe is with you”. Clear words. The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, thus expressed the EU’s solidarity with Emilia-Romagna. “I was very impressed by the solidarity that I got to see: it is the best example of EU solidarity. And I was also touched by the ‘mud angels’ who are giving their contribution”, she underlined von der Leyen . In the afternoon, he flew by helicopter over the areas affected by the floods with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, before leaving again to reach Cesena, one of the most battered cities in Romagna, with Governor Stefano Bonaccini, Minister for European Affairs Raffaele Fitto and the head of Civil Protection, Fabrizio Curcio. For his part, the Prime Minister, in a press point organized at Bologna airport before returning to Rome for the Council of Ministers convened again on the bad weather emergency, addressed von der Leyen with these words: “Here you will find a very proud people, which has already rolled up its sleeves, which is already working to rebuild, which has not given up and does not give in. And this puts all of us in front of the responsibility to do our best to live up to them “. Then an appeal: “President von der Leyen’s presence is more than a formal sign of availability, it is concrete. We will obviously need to keep an eye on this region”.

Therefore, the theme of resources takes center stage. The first decree passed by the government last Tuesday, after a first visit by the tenant of Palazzo Chigi between the Forlivese and Ravenna areas on Sunday, provides for an allocation of 2.2 billion. But many more funds will be needed to deal with phase two as well. “Once we have managed to make an overall estimate of the damage caused by the flood – Meloni underlined – we will also request the activation of the European Solidarity Fund” designed precisely for natural disasters such as the one that hit this region. Alone. According to the prime minister, it will be necessary “to bring out other significant resources that will be used to return to normal here”. von der Leyen echoed her who, after experiencing first-hand the drama experienced by a wounded area but ready to get up again, did know that “it is urgent to start the Solidarity Fund. After the damage assessment we will have a clearer idea of how many resources can be allocated and this will happen in the next three months. We will be able to give you a clearer idea in the future”. In any case, “six billion euros are allocated within the Next Generation EU precisely for the prevention of events like this and for the consolidation of infrastructures. We will take a step-by-step approach and work well together.”

Then there is the crux of the reconstruction commissioner, with the controversies raised within the government majority around the name of Bonaccini. “I’m frankly very impressed that this is the debate that interests you while people’s funerals are still being celebrated. We are worrying about doing our best and finding the resources. Today my problem is not who spends the money , is to find them”, the prime minister’s clear reply to reporters. After having clarified that, in any case, with Bonaccini “we are working very well in these hours”. Meloni then returned to Rome for the second meeting of the Council of Ministers within three days which extended the state of emergency already decreed for the Municipalities Emilia-Romagna to those of the Marches (Pesaro, Urbino, Fano, Gabicce Mare, Monte Grimano Terme, Montelabbate and Sassocorvaro) and Tuscany (Firenzuola, Marradi, Palazzuolo sul Serio and Londa nel Fiorentino) affected by floods in recent days. first aid interventions to the population, a total of 8 million euros have been allocated, 4 million for each of the two Regions, from the Fund for national emergencies.