A set of 6 poetic and sensitive animated films where the talent of 2 young South Korean directors, Baek Miyoung and Min Sung-Ah, reveals worlds in warm pastel colors. Small birds weave the link between these films, in which we share moments of tenderness and humor.
Programme :
Koong ! Flap Flap :
When a sleeping crocodile meets a small bird.
A bird who loves a flower :
The story of a bird that loved flowers.
Ba-Lam :
The initiatory journey of a blue butterfly whose instinct tells it to follow flowers, letting itself be carried by the wind.
Piro Piro:
Piro Piro and Dalle are 2 birds. The first comes from the forest, the second from the city. When they meet in front of a flower shop, Piro Piro wants them to fly together to the forest but Dalle doesn’t seem to be in a state to fly…
Dancing in the rain :
Two rabbits are dancing in the rain.
The Newly Coming Seasons :
The demilitarized zone of Korea, created following the armistice of July 27, 1953, is known to be an intact ecosystem, far from any human presence. But gunfire, arson and the intrusion of foreign plants mean that many problems persist between North and South.
#Piro #Piro