Monday, May 22, 2023 – 7:30 PM I by Editors
The Pfaff family has been dealing with a lot of bad news lately. Mother Carmen, for example, is still recovering from a cerebral hemorrhage.
She got that brain hemorrhage on a flight to MajorcaBut the bad news didn’t stop there. A few days later it was revealed that there was osteoporosis is in the genes. Meanwhile, Carmen’s rehabilitation is going pretty well.
Daughter Kelly has Monday on The newspapaer let it be known that Carmen has now been repatriated to our country: “Mama can move everything, she can talk and her exercises with the physiotherapist are on schedule. Her morale is also good.”
“And she doesn’t lose her humor… But it’s too early for conclusive conclusions”, her tone suddenly changes completely. “She has at least another six months of intensive rehabilitation ahead of her. Only then will we have a view of the overall picture.”
“You can compare it to a flood: as the water slowly recedes, any underlying damage becomes clear,” concludes Kelly. So it will be a few tough months for the Pfaff family, who had already had to say goodbye to Jean-Marie’s brother.
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Tuesday, May 23, 2023
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2023-05-23 20:00:00
#Bad #news #continues #haunt #JeanMarie #Pfaff #family #early