Politicians must involve citizens more in decision-making, so that the Dutch feel more heard. The government can achieve this with a referendum or citizens’ council.
Many Dutch people are gloomy about the direction our country is heading, according to new research by the Social and Cultural Planning Office (SCP) on Wednesday. This social unease is related to people’s social position and their views on politics and society.
Dissatisfaction with society is of all times. Nevertheless, it is currently an important theme, according to the SCP. More than six in ten Dutch people believe that things are going in the wrong direction with our country, according to the report. That is why the SCP comes up with tips for politicians.
For example, according to the researchers, it is important that citizens feel more heard and that they understand the choices made by the government. In addition, openness and inclusion (have everyone’s interests been taken into account?) are super important according to the SCP.
Many people think the referendum is a good idea
In concrete terms, politicians should consider using referenda or citizen consultations. According to the SCP, the introduction of a referendum can count on broad support among the population. There is also a lot of enthusiasm for the citizens’ council, according to an analysis by the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) last month.
In February, the House of Representatives approved a bill for a binding corrective referendum. But there is still a long way to go before it becomes official. The Senate must first approve it. Because it concerns a constitutional amendment, a second vote must be taken after the next parliamentary election. A two-thirds majority is required in both Chambers.
Dit zijn een referendum en een burgerberaad
- In een bindend correctief referendum kunnen Nederlanders bepalen of een wet die de Tweede en Eerste Kamer hebben aangenomen, mag worden ingevoerd.
- Bij een burgerberaad praat een gelote groep inwoners mee over een maatschappelijke kwestie, waarover de politiek uiteindelijk een besluit neemt.
- Het burgerberaad is momenteel in opkomst. In onder meer Amsterdam en in Gelderland werd al eens zo’n beraad gehouden over klimaatbeleid.
- Het belangrijkste bij een referendum of burgerberaad is dat die een goede afspiegeling van de maatschappij vormt, benadrukt het SCP.
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2023-05-23 22:05:04
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